Annual Report 2021
Publishing date: 18.03.2022
2021 was an exceptionally challenging and complex year. Since COVID-19 appeared in 2020, SONGWON Industrial Group has adapted well to the new operating environment across the globe, with the businesses demonstrating resilience and SONGWON’s global team showing remarkable agility, discipline and dedication in the face of an unprecedented level of disruption worldwide.
Despite all the challenges posed by the continuing global pandemic, the Group delivered solid financial results. In 2021, SONGWON achieved consolidated revenues of 998,190 Million KRW (FY 2020: 807,768 Million KRW) as well as a net profit of 71,209 Million KRW, a 151% increase over the previous year (FY 2020: 28,365 Million KRW).
Read more in the full Annual Report 2021.